In a job search, it's tempting to focus on one area - looking for jobs on web sites, for instance. Or networking to see who has a job for you.
Focus can pay off, yet you'll get a bigger payoff by being active in a number of areas.
* Keep fine-tuning your resume in light of "market response" that helps you get clearer about what you want to do and what kinds of things employers are looking for - especially key words.
* Keep building your network for informational interviews and people who may know other people. When you connect with people, assure them that you are not looking for a job, instead you want their advice and guidance.e
* Do some volunteer work. It will give you something to do, help you get out in the world with other people, and show potential employers that you are out and about. One person is being considered for a job in the health care industry because she volunteers at a hospital and thus is presumed to have a way to reach decision-makers. If you volunteer at a place where you might like to work, you usually will get at least a courtesy interview when jobs open up ad that's good practice.
* Apply for jobs that come up on websites or through contacts. Search many different websites, including and other job posting aggregators. Then find someone who works at the place, who can get your resume picked out of the pile.
* Develop a great LinkedIn profile, and build your LinkedIn network. The more people you have in your 1st degree network, the more people you can network with via 2nd and 3rd degree connections. Then begin connecting with people to tell them what you are looking for, and ask for their feedback and help. Update your LinkedIn status at least once a week, to stay visible with your network.
* Contact your references to tell them what you are looking for, and preparing them for the kind of questions an employer may ask them. Refresh their memories of you!!
* Consider doing consulting. Prepare a simple on-line brochure listing the services you provide and the impact you have produced. Take pieces of your resume as the start. Then send the simply -formatted piece to all your friends and colleagues to launch your consulting business and asking them to keep you in mind.
* Attend industry events if possible to keep current with developments and people.
* Read everything you can about your industry and send articles and references to people you've contacted - to provide them with value, and keep yourself "top of mind."
* Network with other job seekers for two reasons: find out what methods and tactics are working for them, and practice your "elevator speech" about what you want to do.
* Talk about your search and what you hope to do, with everyone. A neighbor walking their dog or gardening may be the very person to lead you to a connection who has a job for you.
* Rehearse interview answers. Anticipate difficult questions - "tell me about yourself" and "explain this gap in your resume" are two examples. Have a friend do a mock interview of you, using your resume as a guide. It's the only way to get comfortable with your answers.
There are plenty of other things to do. Some people start blogging on their industry or profession, others write a book, while others become great gardeners or cooks.
The point is to stay busy. There is never "nothing more" to do in a job search. If you are not getting the results you want, try something else!
Staying busy keeps you engaged in your search, and can keep your energy and spirits up. Plus I see that the rest of the world responds really positively to constant intentional activity. Opportunities begin to appear, nd pretty soon, you're in a job.
Severance: Music To Refine To
1 day ago
LinkedIn is a critical part of today's network, but many people don't know how to have a good profile, and are demoralized when it doesn't benefit them as much as they thought it would. Here's a great tool for developing a LinkedIn profile that will get you noticed and make it worth your time:
Best of luck,
Peggy McKee
Nice blog & good post.You have beautifully maintained
Great post. If you are looking for things to keep busy then why not learn some new skills. I found a great non-profit that has been providing online education to adult jobseekers in 60 IT certifications in (Microsoft,Cisco, Oracle, Sun, A+, Net+, Security+ etc.) and Business (including Project Management certification) at
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