Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Manifesting Your "Right Fit" Job

I believe that you can find your "right fit" job when you know what that is. When you know what you want, it is so much easier to get it.

Every time I wanted a new job or area of responsibility, I did the work to specify what I wanted to do. I created a "Must Have List" specifying the skills I wanted to use, the area in which I wanted to work, the role I wanted to play, the impact I wanted to have, the culture and environment (including physical) I wanted to work within, and the compensation I wanted.

Every time I did that, I got what I wanted. It usually didn't come in the form I expected - it was usually better!

Some think of this as manifestation. Here are 5 steps to manifestation that I have found to work all the time.

1. Clarify your intention. (Your Must Have List)

2. Make sure it is unencumbered by conditioned responses. (Any doubts or fear)

3. Begin to take action in the direction of your intention. (Align your resume & cover letter with your Must Have List)

4. Properly manage thoughts that are contrary to your intention. (Banish doubts and fear when they arise)

5. Allow the Universe to arrange the details. (Detach from any specific outcome)

Give it a try and see what happens.

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